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How Mobile Solves 3 Critical B2B Commerce Challenges



August 19, 2015

We use creative, digital and technology solutions to help solve business problems


Presented by Rob Woodbridge, Mobile Growth Strategist

Mobile represents a significant shift in the way B2B businesses must think and act. The key is to find and action a mobile sweet spot that drives significant improvements in B2B commerce KPIs as part of an omni-channel program.

About the expert, Rob Woodbridge

Rob shapes mobile strategy for top brands including Postmedia, GameStop and Optimal Payments. Dozens of B2B CEOs have benefitted from Rob's counsel in 2015 and thousands of marketers continue to gain insights from his podcast at


  • Where to start implementing mobile thinking in your business.
  • Which B2B companies rule at mobile commerce and why.
  • How mobile action plans overcome critical B2B commerce pain points.
  • How to set your B2B business up for continued growth via mobile.

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